DIANA HARVEY Jacob’s Ladder - $9
This traditional folk toy consists of blocks of wood held together by ribbons. It’s fun to play with as the blocks flip back and forth.
SHERRY LOVE Mini Berry Basket - $40
This is a great way to learn how to weave. You will complete a basket that is 4” x 5” at the base and 8” at the top of the handle. It will have a touch of color. Ages 8 to 80+.
ELAINE BALSLEY Cute Mushrooms on a Tote Bag - $25
All supplies and an apron will be provided for you to paint 3 mushrooms on a canvas tote. The design will be drawn on the tote so all you will have to do is paint! Children ages 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Minimum 6; Maximum 10.
JOHN BRADBURY Introduction to Chair Caning - $40
Learn basic chair caning techniques, including material selection, tools, and procedures, while caning a practice square. You will receive resources to obtain materials and tools, as well as instructional sources for furthering your knowledge of the craft. John has been caning and weaving chairs seats for over 35 years, having exhibited, demonstrated and conducted workshops in Ohio, Tennessee, and Georgia.
KIM LORD PVC Blue Heron/Crane - $15
Learn how to bend and mold pre-cut PVC pipe into a blue heron or crane. Paint your sculpture any way you desire to create a beautiful outdoor lawn decoration. You will walk away with your creation as well as information on how you can do more at home.
BILL DREGER Rustic Birdhouses - $20
We will discuss harvesting and using natural materials to make one-of-a-kind birdhouses for both small songbirds and larger species such as woodpeckers, owls and bats. Only basic tools and simple woodworking skills are needed to build them.
ROBIN DEMENT Dyeing Yarn with Kool-Aide - $25
Kool-Aide is great for dyeing wool yarn. You can create your own beautiful colors. It’s easy to do and you can let your imagination soar!
MISTY COWMAN Beaded Fringe Earrings - $25
Learn to create small beginner-friendly fringe earrings for everyday wear. All materials are included in a class kit. Clip-on attachments will be available upon request. Students must be comfortable using a beading needle. Ages 13+
REBECCA BURKE Botanicals for Your Happy Home - $24
This class will incorporate two crafts. First, you will make a witch ball. Witch balls, aka blessing balls, are like good luck charms for your home. Our witch balls are filled with a variety of dried herbs, spices, and crystals, which symbolically protect and enhance your home, to keep you and your family happy and healthy. Witch balls have been historically used to protect homes since the 1600s. We will talk about the symbolic meanings of the different ingredients, and you’ll be able to choose the ones that you’d like to add to your witch ball. The second craft we will complete is assembling simmer pot blends for you to use to scent your home. Simmer pots are blends of dried or fresh fruits, herbs, and spices that are added to simmering water on the stove. The scent that is released will leave your home delightfully scented. You will take home two simmer pot blends made with dried ingredients, so you can use them whenever you like!